/*! * Copyright (c) 2011 Simo Kinnunen. * Licensed under the MIT license. * * @version ${Version} */ var Cufon = (function() { var api = function() { return api.replace.apply(null, arguments); }; var DOM = api.DOM = { ready: (function() { var complete = false, readyStatus = { loaded: 1, complete: 1 }; var queue = [], perform = function() { if (complete) return; complete = true; for (var fn; fn = queue.shift(); fn()); }; // Gecko, Opera, WebKit r26101+ if (document.addEventListener) { document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', perform, false); window.addEventListener('pageshow', perform, false); // For cached Gecko pages } // Old WebKit, Internet Explorer if (!window.opera && document.readyState) (function() { readyStatus[document.readyState] ? perform() : setTimeout(arguments.callee, 10); })(); // Internet Explorer if (document.readyState && document.createStyleSheet) (function() { try { document.body.doScroll('left'); perform(); } catch (e) { setTimeout(arguments.callee, 1); } })(); addEvent(window, 'load', perform); // Fallback return function(listener) { if (!arguments.length) perform(); else complete ? listener() : queue.push(listener); }; })(), root: function() { return document.documentElement || document.body; }, strict: (function() { var doctype; // no doctype (doesn't always catch it though.. IE I'm looking at you) if (document.compatMode == 'BackCompat') return false; // WebKit, Gecko, Opera, IE9+ doctype = document.doctype; if (doctype) { return !/frameset|transitional/i.test(doctype.publicId); } // IE<9, firstChild is the doctype even if there's an XML declaration doctype = document.firstChild; if (doctype.nodeType != 8 || /^DOCTYPE.+(transitional|frameset)/i.test(doctype.data)) { return false; } return true; })() }; var CSS = api.CSS = { Size: function(value, base) { this.value = parseFloat(value); this.unit = String(value).match(/[a-z%]*$/)[0] || 'px'; this.convert = function(value) { return value / base * this.value; }; this.convertFrom = function(value) { return value / this.value * base; }; this.toString = function() { return this.value + this.unit; }; }, addClass: function(el, className) { var current = el.className; el.className = current + (current && ' ') + className; return el; }, color: cached(function(value) { var parsed = {}; parsed.color = value.replace(/^rgba\((.*?),\s*([\d.]+)\)/, function($0, $1, $2) { parsed.opacity = parseFloat($2); return 'rgb(' + $1 + ')'; }); return parsed; }), // has no direct CSS equivalent. // @see http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.windows.fontstretches.aspx fontStretch: cached(function(value) { if (typeof value == 'number') return value; if (/%$/.test(value)) return parseFloat(value) / 100; return { 'ultra-condensed': 0.5, 'extra-condensed': 0.625, condensed: 0.75, 'semi-condensed': 0.875, 'semi-expanded': 1.125, expanded: 1.25, 'extra-expanded': 1.5, 'ultra-expanded': 2 }[value] || 1; }), getStyle: function(el) { var view = document.defaultView; if (view && view.getComputedStyle) return new Style(view.getComputedStyle(el, null)); if (el.currentStyle) return new Style(el.currentStyle); return new Style(el.style); }, gradient: cached(function(value) { var gradient = { id: value, type: value.match(/^-([a-z]+)-gradient\(/)[1], stops: [] }, colors = value.substr(value.indexOf('(')).match(/([\d.]+=)?(#[a-f0-9]+|[a-z]+\(.*?\)|[a-z]+)/ig); for (var i = 0, l = colors.length, stop; i < l; ++i) { stop = colors[i].split('=', 2).reverse(); gradient.stops.push([ stop[1] || i / (l - 1), stop[0] ]); } return gradient; }), quotedList: cached(function(value) { // doesn't work properly with empty quoted strings (""), but // it's not worth the extra code. var list = [], re = /\s*((["'])([\s\S]*?[^\\])\2|[^,]+)\s*/g, match; while (match = re.exec(value)) list.push(match[3] || match[1]); return list; }), recognizesMedia: cached(function(media) { var el = document.createElement('style'), sheet, container, supported; el.type = 'text/css'; el.media = media; try { // this is cached anyway el.appendChild(document.createTextNode('/**/')); } catch (e) {} container = elementsByTagName('head')[0]; container.insertBefore(el, container.firstChild); sheet = (el.sheet || el.styleSheet); supported = sheet && !sheet.disabled; container.removeChild(el); return supported; }), removeClass: function(el, className) { var re = RegExp('(?:^|\\s+)' + className + '(?=\\s|$)', 'g'); el.className = el.className.replace(re, ''); return el; }, supports: function(property, value) { var checker = document.createElement('span').style; if (checker[property] === undefined) return false; checker[property] = value; return checker[property] === value; }, textAlign: function(word, style, position, wordCount) { if (style.get('textAlign') == 'right') { if (position > 0) word = ' ' + word; } else if (position < wordCount - 1) word += ' '; return word; }, textShadow: cached(function(value) { if (value == 'none') return null; var shadows = [], currentShadow = {}, result, offCount = 0; var re = /(#[a-f0-9]+|[a-z]+\(.*?\)|[a-z]+)|(-?[\d.]+[a-z%]*)|,/ig; while (result = re.exec(value)) { if (result[0] == ',') { shadows.push(currentShadow); currentShadow = {}; offCount = 0; } else if (result[1]) { currentShadow.color = result[1]; } else { currentShadow[[ 'offX', 'offY', 'blur' ][offCount++]] = result[2]; } } shadows.push(currentShadow); return shadows; }), textTransform: (function() { var map = { uppercase: function(s) { return s.toUpperCase(); }, lowercase: function(s) { return s.toLowerCase(); }, capitalize: function(s) { return s.replace(/(?:^|\s)./g, function($0) { return $0.toUpperCase(); }); } }; return function(text, style) { var transform = map[style.get('textTransform')]; return transform ? transform(text) : text; }; })(), whiteSpace: (function() { var ignore = { inline: 1, 'inline-block': 1, 'run-in': 1 }; var wsStart = /^\s+/, wsEnd = /\s+$/; return function(text, style, node, previousElement, simple) { if (simple) return text.replace(wsStart, '').replace(wsEnd, ''); // @fixme too simple if (previousElement) { if (previousElement.nodeName.toLowerCase() == 'br') { text = text.replace(wsStart, ''); } } if (ignore[style.get('display')]) return text; if (!node.previousSibling) text = text.replace(wsStart, ''); if (!node.nextSibling) text = text.replace(wsEnd, ''); return text; }; })() }; CSS.ready = (function() { // don't do anything in Safari 2 (it doesn't recognize any media type) var complete = !CSS.recognizesMedia('all'), hasLayout = false; var queue = [], perform = function() { complete = true; for (var fn; fn = queue.shift(); fn()); }; var links = elementsByTagName('link'), styles = elementsByTagName('style'); var checkTypes = { '': 1, 'text/css': 1 }; function isContainerReady(el) { if (!checkTypes[el.type.toLowerCase()]) return true; return el.disabled || isSheetReady(el.sheet, el.media || 'screen'); } function isSheetReady(sheet, media) { // in Opera sheet.disabled is true when it's still loading, // even though link.disabled is false. they stay in sync if // set manually. if (!CSS.recognizesMedia(media || 'all')) return true; if (!sheet || sheet.disabled) return false; try { var rules = sheet.cssRules, rule; if (rules) { // needed for Safari 3 and Chrome 1.0. // in standards-conforming browsers cssRules contains @-rules. // Chrome 1.0 weirdness: rules[] // returns the last rule, so a for loop is the only option. search: for (var i = 0, l = rules.length; rule = rules[i], i < l; ++i) { switch (rule.type) { case 2: // @charset break; case 3: // @import if (!isSheetReady(rule.styleSheet, rule.media.mediaText)) return false; break; default: // only @charset can precede @import break search; } } } } catch (e) {} // probably a style sheet from another domain return true; } function allStylesLoaded() { // Internet Explorer's style sheet model, there's no need to do anything if (document.createStyleSheet) return true; // standards-compliant browsers var el, i; for (i = 0; el = links[i]; ++i) { if (el.rel.toLowerCase() == 'stylesheet' && !isContainerReady(el)) return false; } for (i = 0; el = styles[i]; ++i) { if (!isContainerReady(el)) return false; } return true; } DOM.ready(function() { // getComputedStyle returns null in Gecko if used in an iframe with display: none if (!hasLayout) hasLayout = CSS.getStyle(document.body).isUsable(); if (complete || (hasLayout && allStylesLoaded())) perform(); else setTimeout(arguments.callee, 10); }); return function(listener) { if (complete) listener(); else queue.push(listener); }; })(); function Font(data) { var face = this.face = data.face, wordSeparators = { '\u0020': 1, '\u00a0': 1, '\u3000': 1 }; this.glyphs = (function(glyphs) { var key, fallbacks = { '\u2011': '\u002d', '\u00ad': '\u2011' }; for (key in fallbacks) { if (!hasOwnProperty(fallbacks, key)) continue; if (!glyphs[key]) glyphs[key] = glyphs[fallbacks[key]]; } return glyphs; })(data.glyphs); this.w = data.w; this.baseSize = parseInt(face['units-per-em'], 10); this.family = face['font-family'].toLowerCase(); this.weight = face['font-weight']; this.style = face['font-style'] || 'normal'; this.viewBox = (function () { var parts = face.bbox.split(/\s+/); var box = { minX: parseInt(parts[0], 10), minY: parseInt(parts[1], 10), maxX: parseInt(parts[2], 10), maxY: parseInt(parts[3], 10) }; box.width = box.maxX - box.minX; box.height = box.maxY - box.minY; box.toString = function() { return [ this.minX, this.minY, this.width, this.height ].join(' '); }; return box; })(); this.ascent = -parseInt(face.ascent, 10); this.descent = -parseInt(face.descent, 10); this.height = -this.ascent + this.descent; this.spacing = function(chars, letterSpacing, wordSpacing) { var glyphs = this.glyphs, glyph, kerning, k, jumps = [], width = 0, w, i = -1, j = -1, chr; while (chr = chars[++i]) { glyph = glyphs[chr] || this.missingGlyph; if (!glyph) continue; if (kerning) { width -= k = kerning[chr] || 0; jumps[j] -= k; } w = glyph.w; if (isNaN(w)) w = +this.w; // may have been a String in old fonts if (w > 0) { w += letterSpacing; if (wordSeparators[chr]) w += wordSpacing; } width += jumps[++j] = ~~w; // get rid of decimals kerning = glyph.k; } jumps.total = width; return jumps; }; } function FontFamily() { var styles = {}, mapping = { oblique: 'italic', italic: 'oblique' }; this.add = function(font) { (styles[font.style] || (styles[font.style] = {}))[font.weight] = font; }; this.get = function(style, weight) { var weights = styles[style] || styles[mapping[style]] || styles.normal || styles.italic || styles.oblique; if (!weights) return null; // we don't have to worry about "bolder" and "lighter" // because IE's currentStyle returns a numeric value for it, // and other browsers use the computed value anyway weight = { normal: 400, bold: 700 }[weight] || parseInt(weight, 10); if (weights[weight]) return weights[weight]; // http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/fonts.html#propdef-font-weight // Gecko uses x99/x01 for lighter/bolder var up = { 1: 1, 99: 0 }[weight % 100], alts = [], min, max; if (up === undefined) up = weight > 400; if (weight == 500) weight = 400; for (var alt in weights) { if (!hasOwnProperty(weights, alt)) continue; alt = parseInt(alt, 10); if (!min || alt < min) min = alt; if (!max || alt > max) max = alt; alts.push(alt); } if (weight < min) weight = min; if (weight > max) weight = max; alts.sort(function(a, b) { return (up ? (a >= weight && b >= weight) ? a < b : a > b : (a <= weight && b <= weight) ? a > b : a < b) ? -1 : 1; }); return weights[alts[0]]; }; } function HoverHandler() { function contains(node, anotherNode) { try { if (node.contains) return node.contains(anotherNode); return node.compareDocumentPosition(anotherNode) & 16; } catch(e) {} // probably a XUL element such as a scrollbar return false; } // mouseover/mouseout (standards) mode function onOverOut(e) { var related = e.relatedTarget; // there might be no relatedTarget if the element is right next // to the window frame if (related && contains(this, related)) return; trigger(this, e.type == 'mouseover'); } // mouseenter/mouseleave (probably ie) mode function onEnterLeave(e) { if (!e) e = window.event; // ie model, we don't have access to "this", but // mouseenter/leave doesn't bubble so it's fine. trigger(e.target || e.srcElement, e.type == 'mouseenter'); } function trigger(el, hoverState) { // A timeout is needed so that the event can actually "happen" // before replace is triggered. This ensures that styles are up // to date. setTimeout(function() { var options = sharedStorage.get(el).options; if (hoverState) { options = merge(options, options.hover); options._mediatorMode = 1; } api.replace(el, options, true); }, 10); } this.attach = function(el) { if (el.onmouseenter === undefined) { addEvent(el, 'mouseover', onOverOut); addEvent(el, 'mouseout', onOverOut); } else { addEvent(el, 'mouseenter', onEnterLeave); addEvent(el, 'mouseleave', onEnterLeave); } }; this.detach = function(el) { if (el.onmouseenter === undefined) { removeEvent(el, 'mouseover', onOverOut); removeEvent(el, 'mouseout', onOverOut); } else { removeEvent(el, 'mouseenter', onEnterLeave); removeEvent(el, 'mouseleave', onEnterLeave); } }; } function ReplaceHistory() { var list = [], map = {}; function filter(keys) { var values = [], key; for (var i = 0; key = keys[i]; ++i) values[i] = list[map[key]]; return values; } this.add = function(key, args) { map[key] = list.push(args) - 1; }; this.repeat = function() { var snapshot = arguments.length ? filter(arguments) : list, args; for (var i = 0; args = snapshot[i++];) api.replace(args[0], args[1], true); }; } function Storage() { var map = {}, at = 0; function identify(el) { return el.cufid || (el.cufid = ++at); } this.get = function(el) { var id = identify(el); return map[id] || (map[id] = {}); }; } function Style(style) { var custom = {}, sizes = {}; this.extend = function(styles) { for (var property in styles) { if (hasOwnProperty(styles, property)) custom[property] = styles[property]; } return this; }; this.get = function(property) { return custom[property] != undefined ? custom[property] : style[property]; }; this.getSize = function(property, base) { return sizes[property] || (sizes[property] = new CSS.Size(this.get(property), base)); }; this.isUsable = function() { return !!style; }; } function addEvent(el, type, listener) { if (el.addEventListener) { el.addEventListener(type, listener, false); } else if (el.attachEvent) { // we don't really need "this" right now, saves code el.attachEvent('on' + type, listener); } } function attach(el, options) { if (options._mediatorMode) return el; var storage = sharedStorage.get(el); var oldOptions = storage.options; if (oldOptions) { if (oldOptions === options) return el; if (oldOptions.hover) hoverHandler.detach(el); } if (options.hover && options.hoverables[el.nodeName.toLowerCase()]) { hoverHandler.attach(el); } storage.options = options; return el; } function cached(fun) { var cache = {}; return function(key) { if (!hasOwnProperty(cache, key)) cache[key] = fun.apply(null, arguments); return cache[key]; }; } function getFont(el, style) { var families = CSS.quotedList(style.get('fontFamily').toLowerCase()), family; for (var i = 0; family = families[i]; ++i) { if (fonts[family]) return fonts[family].get(style.get('fontStyle'), style.get('fontWeight')); } return null; } function elementsByTagName(query) { return document.getElementsByTagName(query); } function hasOwnProperty(obj, property) { return obj.hasOwnProperty(property); } function merge() { var merged = {}, arg, key; for (var i = 0, l = arguments.length; arg = arguments[i], i < l; ++i) { for (key in arg) { if (hasOwnProperty(arg, key)) merged[key] = arg[key]; } } return merged; } function process(font, text, style, options, node, el) { var fragment = document.createDocumentFragment(), processed; if (text === '') return fragment; var separate = options.separate; var parts = text.split(separators[separate]), needsAligning = (separate == 'words'); if (needsAligning && HAS_BROKEN_REGEXP) { // @todo figure out a better way to do this if (/^\s/.test(text)) parts.unshift(''); if (/\s$/.test(text)) parts.push(''); } for (var i = 0, l = parts.length; i < l; ++i) { processed = engines[options.engine](font, needsAligning ? CSS.textAlign(parts[i], style, i, l) : parts[i], style, options, node, el, i < l - 1); if (processed) fragment.appendChild(processed); } return fragment; } function removeEvent(el, type, listener) { if (el.removeEventListener) { el.removeEventListener(type, listener, false); } else if (el.detachEvent) { el.detachEvent('on' + type, listener); } } function replaceElement(el, options) { var name = el.nodeName.toLowerCase(); if (options.ignore[name]) return; if (options.ignoreClass && options.ignoreClass.test(el.className)) return; if (options.onBeforeReplace) options.onBeforeReplace(el, options); var replace = !options.textless[name], simple = (options.trim === 'simple'); var style = CSS.getStyle(attach(el, options)).extend(options); // may cause issues if the element contains other elements // with larger fontSize, however such cases are rare and can // be fixed by using a more specific selector if (parseFloat(style.get('fontSize')) === 0) return; var font = getFont(el, style), node, type, next, anchor, text, lastElement; var isShy = options.softHyphens, anyShy = false, pos, shy, reShy = /\u00ad/g; var modifyText = options.modifyText; if (!font) return; for (node = el.firstChild; node; node = next) { type = node.nodeType; next = node.nextSibling; if (replace && type == 3) { if (isShy && el.nodeName.toLowerCase() != TAG_SHY) { pos = node.data.indexOf('\u00ad'); if (pos >= 0) { node.splitText(pos); next = node.nextSibling; next.deleteData(0, 1); shy = document.createElement(TAG_SHY); shy.appendChild(document.createTextNode('\u00ad')); el.insertBefore(shy, next); next = shy; anyShy = true; } } // Node.normalize() is broken in IE 6, 7, 8 if (anchor) { anchor.appendData(node.data); el.removeChild(node); } else anchor = node; if (next) continue; } if (anchor) { text = anchor.data; if (!isShy) text = text.replace(reShy, ''); text = CSS.whiteSpace(text, style, anchor, lastElement, simple); // modify text only on the first replace if (modifyText) text = modifyText(text, anchor, el, options); el.replaceChild(process(font, text, style, options, node, el), anchor); anchor = null; } if (type == 1) { if (node.firstChild) { if (node.nodeName.toLowerCase() == 'cufon') { engines[options.engine](font, null, style, options, node, el); } else arguments.callee(node, options); } lastElement = node; } } if (isShy && anyShy) { updateShy(el); if (!trackingShy) addEvent(window, 'resize', updateShyOnResize); trackingShy = true; } if (options.onAfterReplace) options.onAfterReplace(el, options); } function updateShy(context) { var shys, shy, parent, glue, newGlue, next, prev, i; shys = context.getElementsByTagName(TAG_SHY); // unfortunately there doesn't seem to be any easy // way to avoid having to loop through the shys twice. for (i = 0; shy = shys[i]; ++i) { shy.className = C_SHY_DISABLED; glue = parent = shy.parentNode; if (glue.nodeName.toLowerCase() != TAG_GLUE) { newGlue = document.createElement(TAG_GLUE); newGlue.appendChild(shy.previousSibling); parent.insertBefore(newGlue, shy); newGlue.appendChild(shy); } else { // get rid of double glue (edge case fix) glue = glue.parentNode; if (glue.nodeName.toLowerCase() == TAG_GLUE) { parent = glue.parentNode; while (glue.firstChild) { parent.insertBefore(glue.firstChild, glue); } parent.removeChild(glue); } } } for (i = 0; shy = shys[i]; ++i) { shy.className = ''; glue = shy.parentNode; parent = glue.parentNode; next = glue.nextSibling || parent.nextSibling; // make sure we're comparing same types prev = (next.nodeName.toLowerCase() == TAG_GLUE) ? glue : shy.previousSibling; if (prev.offsetTop >= next.offsetTop) { shy.className = C_SHY_DISABLED; if (prev.offsetTop < next.offsetTop) { // we have an annoying edge case, double the glue newGlue = document.createElement(TAG_GLUE); parent.insertBefore(newGlue, glue); newGlue.appendChild(glue); newGlue.appendChild(next); } } } } function updateShyOnResize() { if (ignoreResize) return; // needed for IE CSS.addClass(DOM.root(), C_VIEWPORT_RESIZING); clearTimeout(shyTimer); shyTimer = setTimeout(function() { ignoreResize = true; CSS.removeClass(DOM.root(), C_VIEWPORT_RESIZING); updateShy(document); ignoreResize = false; }, 100); } var HAS_BROKEN_REGEXP = ' '.split(/\s+/).length == 0; var TAG_GLUE = 'cufonglue'; var TAG_SHY = 'cufonshy'; var C_SHY_DISABLED = 'cufon-shy-disabled'; var C_VIEWPORT_RESIZING = 'cufon-viewport-resizing'; var sharedStorage = new Storage(); var hoverHandler = new HoverHandler(); var replaceHistory = new ReplaceHistory(); var initialized = false; var trackingShy = false; var shyTimer; var ignoreResize = false; var engines = {}, fonts = {}, defaultOptions = { autoDetect: false, engine: null, forceHitArea: false, hover: false, hoverables: { a: true }, ignore: { applet: 1, canvas: 1, col: 1, colgroup: 1, head: 1, iframe: 1, map: 1, noscript: 1, optgroup: 1, option: 1, script: 1, select: 1, style: 1, textarea: 1, title: 1, pre: 1 }, ignoreClass: null, modifyText: null, onAfterReplace: null, onBeforeReplace: null, printable: true, selector: ( window.Sizzle || (window.jQuery && function(query) { return jQuery(query); }) // avoid noConflict issues || (window.dojo && dojo.query) || (window.glow && glow.dom && glow.dom.get) || (window.Ext && Ext.query) || (window.YAHOO && YAHOO.util && YAHOO.util.Selector && YAHOO.util.Selector.query) || (window.$$ && function(query) { return $$(query); }) || (window.$ && function(query) { return $(query); }) || (document.querySelectorAll && function(query) { return document.querySelectorAll(query); }) || elementsByTagName ), separate: 'words', // 'none' and 'characters' are also accepted softHyphens: true, textless: { dl: 1, html: 1, ol: 1, table: 1, tbody: 1, thead: 1, tfoot: 1, tr: 1, ul: 1 }, textShadow: 'none', trim: 'advanced' }; var separators = { // The first pattern may cause unicode characters above // code point 255 to be removed in Safari 3.0. Luckily enough // Safari 3.0 does not include non-breaking spaces in \s, so // we can just use a simple alternative pattern. words: /\s/.test('\u00a0') ? /[^\S\u00a0]+/ : /\s+/, characters: '', none: /^/ }; api.now = function() { DOM.ready(); return api; }; api.refresh = function() { replaceHistory.repeat.apply(replaceHistory, arguments); return api; }; api.registerEngine = function(id, engine) { if (!engine) return api; engines[id] = engine; return api.set('engine', id); }; api.registerFont = function(data) { if (!data) return api; var font = new Font(data), family = font.family; if (!fonts[family]) fonts[family] = new FontFamily(); fonts[family].add(font); return api.set('fontFamily', '"' + family + '"'); }; api.replace = function(elements, options, ignoreHistory) { options = merge(defaultOptions, options); if (!options.engine) return api; // there's no browser support so we'll just stop here if (!initialized) { CSS.addClass(DOM.root(), 'cufon-active cufon-loading'); CSS.ready(function() { // fires before any replace() calls, but it doesn't really matter CSS.addClass(CSS.removeClass(DOM.root(), 'cufon-loading'), 'cufon-ready'); }); initialized = true; } if (options.hover) options.forceHitArea = true; if (options.autoDetect) delete options.fontFamily; if (typeof options.ignoreClass == 'string') { options.ignoreClass = new RegExp('(?:^|\\s)(?:' + options.ignoreClass.replace(/\s+/g, '|') + ')(?:\\s|$)'); } if (typeof options.textShadow == 'string') { options.textShadow = CSS.textShadow(options.textShadow); } if (typeof options.color == 'string' && /^-/.test(options.color)) { options.textGradient = CSS.gradient(options.color); } else delete options.textGradient; if (typeof elements == 'string') { if (!ignoreHistory) replaceHistory.add(elements, arguments); elements = [ elements ]; } else if (elements.nodeType) elements = [ elements ]; CSS.ready(function() { for (var i = 0, l = elements.length; i < l; ++i) { var el = elements[i]; if (typeof el == 'string') api.replace(options.selector(el), options, true); else replaceElement(el, options); } }); return api; }; api.set = function(option, value) { defaultOptions[option] = value; return api; }; return api; })(); Cufon.registerEngine('vml', (function() { var ns = document.namespaces; if (!ns) return; ns.add('cvml', 'urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml'); ns = null; var check = document.createElement('cvml:shape'); check.style.behavior = 'url(#default#VML)'; if (!check.coordsize) return; // VML isn't supported check = null; var HAS_BROKEN_LINEHEIGHT = (document.documentMode || 0) < 8; document.write(('').replace(/;/g, '!important;')); function getFontSizeInPixels(el, value) { return getSizeInPixels(el, /(?:em|ex|%)$|^[a-z-]+$/i.test(value) ? '1em' : value); } // Original by Dead Edwards. // Combined with getFontSizeInPixels it also works with relative units. function getSizeInPixels(el, value) { if (!isNaN(value) || /px$/i.test(value)) return parseFloat(value); var style = el.style.left, runtimeStyle = el.runtimeStyle.left; el.runtimeStyle.left = el.currentStyle.left; el.style.left = value.replace('%', 'em'); var result = el.style.pixelLeft; el.style.left = style; el.runtimeStyle.left = runtimeStyle; return result; } function getSpacingValue(el, style, size, property) { var key = 'computed' + property, value = style[key]; if (isNaN(value)) { value = style.get(property); style[key] = value = (value == 'normal') ? 0 : ~~size.convertFrom(getSizeInPixels(el, value)); } return value; } var fills = {}; function gradientFill(gradient) { var id = gradient.id; if (!fills[id]) { var stops = gradient.stops, fill = document.createElement('cvml:fill'), colors = []; fill.type = 'gradient'; fill.angle = 180; fill.focus = '0'; fill.method = 'none'; fill.color = stops[0][1]; for (var j = 1, k = stops.length - 1; j < k; ++j) { colors.push(stops[j][0] * 100 + '% ' + stops[j][1]); } fill.colors = colors.join(','); fill.color2 = stops[k][1]; fills[id] = fill; } return fills[id]; } return function(font, text, style, options, node, el, hasNext) { var redraw = (text === null); if (redraw) text = node.alt; var viewBox = font.viewBox; var size = style.computedFontSize || (style.computedFontSize = new Cufon.CSS.Size(getFontSizeInPixels(el, style.get('fontSize')) + 'px', font.baseSize)); var wrapper, canvas; if (redraw) { wrapper = node; canvas = node.firstChild; } else { wrapper = document.createElement('cufon'); wrapper.className = 'cufon cufon-vml'; wrapper.alt = text; canvas = document.createElement('cufoncanvas'); wrapper.appendChild(canvas); if (options.printable) { var print = document.createElement('cufontext'); print.appendChild(document.createTextNode(text)); wrapper.appendChild(print); } // ie6, for some reason, has trouble rendering the last VML element in the document. // we can work around this by injecting a dummy element where needed. // @todo find a better solution if (!hasNext) wrapper.appendChild(document.createElement('cvml:shape')); } var wStyle = wrapper.style; var cStyle = canvas.style; var height = size.convert(viewBox.height), roundedHeight = Math.ceil(height); var roundingFactor = roundedHeight / height; var stretchFactor = roundingFactor * Cufon.CSS.fontStretch(style.get('fontStretch')); var minX = viewBox.minX, minY = viewBox.minY; cStyle.height = roundedHeight; cStyle.top = Math.round(size.convert(minY - font.ascent)); cStyle.left = Math.round(size.convert(minX)); wStyle.height = size.convert(font.height) + 'px'; var color = style.get('color'); var chars = Cufon.CSS.textTransform(text, style).split(''); var jumps = font.spacing(chars, getSpacingValue(el, style, size, 'letterSpacing'), getSpacingValue(el, style, size, 'wordSpacing') ); if (!jumps.length) return null; var width = jumps.total; var fullWidth = -minX + width + (viewBox.width - jumps[jumps.length - 1]); var shapeWidth = size.convert(fullWidth * stretchFactor), roundedShapeWidth = Math.round(shapeWidth); var coordSize = fullWidth + ',' + viewBox.height, coordOrigin; var stretch = 'r' + coordSize + 'ns'; var fill = options.textGradient && gradientFill(options.textGradient); var glyphs = font.glyphs, offsetX = 0; var shadows = options.textShadow; var i = -1, j = 0, chr; while (chr = chars[++i]) { var glyph = glyphs[chars[i]] || font.missingGlyph, shape; if (!glyph) continue; if (redraw) { // some glyphs may be missing so we can't use i shape = canvas.childNodes[j]; while (shape.firstChild) shape.removeChild(shape.firstChild); // shadow, fill } else { shape = document.createElement('cvml:shape'); canvas.appendChild(shape); } shape.stroked = 'f'; shape.coordsize = coordSize; shape.coordorigin = coordOrigin = (minX - offsetX) + ',' + minY; shape.path = (glyph.d ? 'm' + glyph.d + 'xe' : '') + 'm' + coordOrigin + stretch; shape.fillcolor = color; if (fill) shape.appendChild(fill.cloneNode(false)); // it's important to not set top/left or IE8 will grind to a halt var sStyle = shape.style; sStyle.width = roundedShapeWidth; sStyle.height = roundedHeight; if (shadows) { // due to the limitations of the VML shadow element there // can only be two visible shadows. opacity is shared // for all shadows. var shadow1 = shadows[0], shadow2 = shadows[1]; var color1 = Cufon.CSS.color(shadow1.color), color2; var shadow = document.createElement('cvml:shadow'); shadow.on = 't'; shadow.color = color1.color; shadow.offset = shadow1.offX + ',' + shadow1.offY; if (shadow2) { color2 = Cufon.CSS.color(shadow2.color); shadow.type = 'double'; shadow.color2 = color2.color; shadow.offset2 = shadow2.offX + ',' + shadow2.offY; } shadow.opacity = color1.opacity || (color2 && color2.opacity) || 1; shape.appendChild(shadow); } offsetX += jumps[j++]; } // addresses flickering issues on :hover var cover = shape.nextSibling, coverFill, vStyle; if (options.forceHitArea) { if (!cover) { cover = document.createElement('cvml:rect'); cover.stroked = 'f'; cover.className = 'cufon-vml-cover'; coverFill = document.createElement('cvml:fill'); coverFill.opacity = 0; cover.appendChild(coverFill); canvas.appendChild(cover); } vStyle = cover.style; vStyle.width = roundedShapeWidth; vStyle.height = roundedHeight; } else if (cover) canvas.removeChild(cover); wStyle.width = Math.max(Math.ceil(size.convert(width * stretchFactor)), 0); if (HAS_BROKEN_LINEHEIGHT) { var yAdjust = style.computedYAdjust; if (yAdjust === undefined) { var lineHeight = style.get('lineHeight'); if (lineHeight == 'normal') lineHeight = '1em'; else if (!isNaN(lineHeight)) lineHeight += 'em'; // no unit style.computedYAdjust = yAdjust = 0.5 * (getSizeInPixels(el, lineHeight) - parseFloat(wStyle.height)); } if (yAdjust) { wStyle.marginTop = Math.ceil(yAdjust) + 'px'; wStyle.marginBottom = yAdjust + 'px'; } } return wrapper; }; })()); Cufon.registerEngine('canvas', (function() { // Safari 2 doesn't support .apply() on native methods var check = document.createElement('canvas'); if (!check || !check.getContext || !check.getContext.apply) return; check = null; var HAS_INLINE_BLOCK = Cufon.CSS.supports('display', 'inline-block'); // Firefox 2 w/ non-strict doctype (almost standards mode) var HAS_BROKEN_LINEHEIGHT = !HAS_INLINE_BLOCK && (document.compatMode == 'BackCompat' || /frameset|transitional/i.test(document.doctype.publicId)); var styleSheet = document.createElement('style'); styleSheet.type = 'text/css'; styleSheet.appendChild(document.createTextNode(( 'cufon{text-indent:0;}' + '@media screen,projection{' + 'cufon{display:inline;display:inline-block;position:relative;vertical-align:middle;' + (HAS_BROKEN_LINEHEIGHT ? '' : 'font-size:1px;line-height:1px;') + '}cufon cufontext{display:-moz-inline-box;display:inline-block;width:0;height:0;text-align:left;text-indent:-10000in;}' + (HAS_INLINE_BLOCK ? 'cufon canvas{position:relative;}' : 'cufon canvas{position:absolute;}') + 'cufonshy.cufon-shy-disabled,.cufon-viewport-resizing cufonshy{display:none;}' + 'cufonglue{white-space:nowrap;display:inline-block;}' + '.cufon-viewport-resizing cufonglue{white-space:normal;}' + '}' + '@media print{' + 'cufon{padding:0;}' + // Firefox 2 'cufon canvas{display:none;}' + '}' ).replace(/;/g, '!important;'))); document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(styleSheet); function generateFromVML(path, context) { var atX = 0, atY = 0; var code = [], re = /([mrvxe])([^a-z]*)/g, match; generate: for (var i = 0; match = re.exec(path); ++i) { var c = match[2].split(','); switch (match[1]) { case 'v': code[i] = { m: 'bezierCurveTo', a: [ atX + ~~c[0], atY + ~~c[1], atX + ~~c[2], atY + ~~c[3], atX += ~~c[4], atY += ~~c[5] ] }; break; case 'r': code[i] = { m: 'lineTo', a: [ atX += ~~c[0], atY += ~~c[1] ] }; break; case 'm': code[i] = { m: 'moveTo', a: [ atX = ~~c[0], atY = ~~c[1] ] }; break; case 'x': code[i] = { m: 'closePath' }; break; case 'e': break generate; } context[code[i].m].apply(context, code[i].a); } return code; } function interpret(code, context) { for (var i = 0, l = code.length; i < l; ++i) { var line = code[i]; context[line.m].apply(context, line.a); } } return function(font, text, style, options, node, el) { var redraw = (text === null); if (redraw) text = node.getAttribute('alt'); var viewBox = font.viewBox; var size = style.getSize('fontSize', font.baseSize); var expandTop = 0, expandRight = 0, expandBottom = 0, expandLeft = 0; var shadows = options.textShadow, shadowOffsets = []; if (shadows) { for (var i = shadows.length; i--;) { var shadow = shadows[i]; var x = size.convertFrom(parseFloat(shadow.offX)); var y = size.convertFrom(parseFloat(shadow.offY)); shadowOffsets[i] = [ x, y ]; if (y < expandTop) expandTop = y; if (x > expandRight) expandRight = x; if (y > expandBottom) expandBottom = y; if (x < expandLeft) expandLeft = x; } } var chars = Cufon.CSS.textTransform(text, style).split(''); var jumps = font.spacing(chars, ~~size.convertFrom(parseFloat(style.get('letterSpacing')) || 0), ~~size.convertFrom(parseFloat(style.get('wordSpacing')) || 0) ); if (!jumps.length) return null; // there's nothing to render var width = jumps.total; expandRight += viewBox.width - jumps[jumps.length - 1]; expandLeft += viewBox.minX; var wrapper, canvas; if (redraw) { wrapper = node; canvas = node.firstChild; } else { wrapper = document.createElement('cufon'); wrapper.className = 'cufon cufon-canvas'; wrapper.setAttribute('alt', text); canvas = document.createElement('canvas'); wrapper.appendChild(canvas); if (options.printable) { var print = document.createElement('cufontext'); print.appendChild(document.createTextNode(text)); wrapper.appendChild(print); } } var wStyle = wrapper.style; var cStyle = canvas.style; var height = size.convert(viewBox.height); var roundedHeight = Math.ceil(height); var roundingFactor = roundedHeight / height; var stretchFactor = roundingFactor * Cufon.CSS.fontStretch(style.get('fontStretch')); var stretchedWidth = width * stretchFactor; var canvasWidth = Math.ceil(size.convert(stretchedWidth + expandRight - expandLeft)); var canvasHeight = Math.ceil(size.convert(viewBox.height - expandTop + expandBottom)); canvas.width = canvasWidth; canvas.height = canvasHeight; // needed for WebKit and full page zoom cStyle.width = canvasWidth + 'px'; cStyle.height = canvasHeight + 'px'; // minY has no part in canvas.height expandTop += viewBox.minY; cStyle.top = Math.round(size.convert(expandTop - font.ascent)) + 'px'; cStyle.left = Math.round(size.convert(expandLeft)) + 'px'; var wrapperWidth = Math.max(Math.ceil(size.convert(stretchedWidth)), 0) + 'px'; if (HAS_INLINE_BLOCK) { wStyle.width = wrapperWidth; wStyle.height = size.convert(font.height) + 'px'; } else { wStyle.paddingLeft = wrapperWidth; wStyle.paddingBottom = (size.convert(font.height) - 1) + 'px'; } var g = canvas.getContext('2d'), scale = height / viewBox.height; var pixelRatio = window.devicePixelRatio || 1; if (pixelRatio != 1) { canvas.width = canvasWidth * pixelRatio; canvas.height = canvasHeight * pixelRatio; g.scale(pixelRatio, pixelRatio); } // proper horizontal scaling is performed later g.scale(scale, scale * roundingFactor); g.translate(-expandLeft, -expandTop); g.save(); function renderText() { var glyphs = font.glyphs, glyph, i = -1, j = -1, chr; g.scale(stretchFactor, 1); while (chr = chars[++i]) { var glyph = glyphs[chars[i]] || font.missingGlyph; if (!glyph) continue; if (glyph.d) { g.beginPath(); if (glyph.code) interpret(glyph.code, g); else glyph.code = generateFromVML('m' + glyph.d, g); g.fill(); } g.translate(jumps[++j], 0); } g.restore(); } if (shadows) { for (var i = shadows.length; i--;) { var shadow = shadows[i]; g.save(); g.fillStyle = shadow.color; g.translate.apply(g, shadowOffsets[i]); renderText(); } } var gradient = options.textGradient; if (gradient) { var stops = gradient.stops, fill = g.createLinearGradient(0, viewBox.minY, 0, viewBox.maxY); for (var i = 0, l = stops.length; i < l; ++i) { fill.addColorStop.apply(fill, stops[i]); } g.fillStyle = fill; } else g.fillStyle = style.get('color'); renderText(); return wrapper; }; })());