/* * * utopic | labs - powered by Utopic Farm 2010 * @author Tolga Arican * @website www.utopiclabs.com/ufvalidator * @website www.utopicfarm.com * @version 1.0.5 * */ // FORM VALIDATOR JQUERY PLUGIN - START (function($) { $.fn.formValidator = function(options) { $(this).click(function() { var result = $.formValidator(options); if (result && jQuery.isFunction(options.onSuccess)) { options.onSuccess(); return false; } else if (!result && jQuery.isFunction(options.onError)) { options.onError(); return false; } else { return result; } }); }; $.formValidator = function (options) { // merge options with defaults var merged_options = $.extend({}, $.formValidator.defaults, options); // result boolean var boolValid = true; // result error message var errorMsg = ''; // clean errors $(merged_options.scope + ' .error-both, ' + merged_options.scope + ' .error-same, ' + merged_options.scope + ' .error-input').removeClass('error-both').removeClass('error-same').removeClass('error-input'); // gather inputs & check is valid $(merged_options.scope+' .req-email, '+merged_options.scope+' .req-string, '+merged_options.scope+' .req-same, '+merged_options.scope+' .req-both, '+merged_options.scope+' .req-numeric, '+merged_options.scope+' .req-date, '+merged_options.scope+' .req-min').each(function() { thisValid = $.formValidator.validate($(this),merged_options); boolValid = boolValid && thisValid.error; if (!thisValid.error) errorMsg = thisValid.message; }); // check extra bool if (!merged_options.extraBool() && boolValid) { boolValid = false; errorMsg = merged_options.extraBoolMsg; } // submit form if there is and valid if ((merged_options.scope != '') && boolValid) { $(merged_options.errorDiv).fadeOut(); } // if there is errorMsg print it if it is not valid if (!boolValid && errorMsg != '') { var tempErr = (merged_options.customErrMsg != '') ? merged_options.customErrMsg : errorMsg; $(merged_options.errorDiv).hide().html(tempErr).fadeIn(); } return boolValid; }; $.formValidator.validate = function(obj,opts) { var valAttr = (obj.val() == obj.attr('title')) ? '' : obj.val(); var css = opts.errorClass; var mail_filter = /^([a-zA-Z0-9_\.\-])+\@(([a-zA-Z0-9\-])+\.)+([a-zA-Z0-9]{2,4})+$/; var numeric_filter = /(^-?\d\d*\.\d*$)|(^-?\d\d*$)|(^-?\.\d\d*$)|(^-?\d*$)/; var tmpresult = true; var result = true; var errorTxt = ''; // REQUIRED FIELD VALIDATION if (obj.hasClass('req-string')) { tmpresult = (valAttr != '') && (valAttr != obj.attr('title')); if (!tmpresult) errorTxt = opts.errorMsg.reqString; result = result && tmpresult; } // SAME FIELD VALIDATION if (obj.hasClass('req-same')) { tmpresult = true; group = obj.attr('rel'); tmpresult = true; $(opts.scope+' .req-same[rel="'+group+'"]').each(function() { if($(this).val() != valAttr || valAttr == '') { tmpresult = false; } }); if (!tmpresult) { $(opts.scope+' .req-same[rel="'+group+'"]').parent().parent().addClass('error-same'); errorTxt = opts.errorMsg.reqSame; } else { $(opts.scope+' .req-same[rel="'+group+'"]').parent().parent().removeClass('error-same'); } result = result && tmpresult; } // BOTH INPUT CHECKING // if one field entered, the others should too. if (obj.hasClass('req-both')) { tmpresult = true; if (valAttr != '') { group = obj.attr('rel'); $(opts.scope+' .req-both[rel="'+group+'"]').each(function() { if($(this).val() == '') { tmpresult = false; } }); if (!tmpresult) { $(opts.scope+' .req-both[rel="'+group+'"]').parent().parent().addClass('error-both'); errorTxt = opts.errorMsg.reqBoth; } else { $(opts.scope+' .req-both[rel="'+group+'"]').parent().parent().removeClass('error-both'); } } result = result && tmpresult; } // E-MAIL VALIDATION if (obj.hasClass('req-email')) { tmpresult = mail_filter.test(valAttr); if (!tmpresult) errorTxt = (valAttr == '') ? opts.errorMsg.reqMailEmpty : opts.errorMsg.reqMailNotValid; result = result && tmpresult; } // DATE VALIDATION if (obj.hasClass('req-date')) { tmpresult = true; var arr = valAttr.split(opts.dateSeperator); var curDate = new Date(); if (valAttr == '') { tmpresult = true; } else { if (arr.length < 3) { tmpresult = false; } else { tmpresult = (arr[0] <= 31) && (arr[1] <= 12) && (arr[2] <= curDate.getFullYear()); } } if (!tmpresult) errorTxt = opts.errorMsg.reqDate; result = result && tmpresult; } // MINIMUM REQUIRED FIELD VALIDATION if (obj.hasClass('req-min')) { tmpresult = (valAttr.length >= obj.attr('minlength')); if (!tmpresult) errorTxt = opts.errorMsg.reqMin.replace('%1',obj.attr('minlength')); result = result && tmpresult; } // NUMERIC FIELD VALIDATION if (obj.hasClass('req-numeric')) { tmpresult = numeric_filter.test(valAttr); if (!tmpresult) errorTxt = opts.errorMsg.reqNum; result = result && tmpresult; } if (obj.attr('rel')) { if (result) { $('#'+obj.attr('rel')).removeClass(css); } else { $('#'+obj.attr('rel')).addClass(css); } } else { if (result) { obj.removeClass(css); } else { obj.addClass(css); } } return { error: result, message: errorTxt }; }; // CUSTOMIZE HERE or overwrite by sending option parameter $.formValidator.defaults = { onSuccess : null, onError : null, scope : '', errorClass : 'error-input', errorDiv : '#warn', errorMsg : { reqString : 'Fill the required field !', reqDate : 'Date is not valid !', reqNum : 'Just numeric field', reqMailNotValid : 'E-Mail is not valid !', reqMailEmpty : 'Please enter an e-mail.', reqSame : 'Fields are not same !', reqBoth : 'You have to fill same fields !', reqMin : 'You have to enter at least %1 characters' }, customErrMsg : '', extraBoolMsg : 'Please check the form!', dateSeperator : '.', extraBool : function() { return true; } }; })(jQuery); // FORM VALIDATOR JQUERY PLUGIN - END